This was a gift from one of my colleagues in China because I taught there for about eighteen months. As a token of gratitude for my time teaching there, he gave me this ancient scroll. Working with Mona Lisa Framing to complete this was an absolutely creative and technical process. I taught Economics at University…
This was a gift from one of my colleagues in China because I taught there for about eighteen months. As a token of gratitude for my time teaching there, he gave me this ancient scroll. Working with Mona Lisa Framing to complete this was an absolutely creative and technical process.

I taught Economics at University and was in charge of four classes. All of my students were very unique individuals. I taught completely in English but my students were very smart and most understood me very well. They liked me, and all wanted to come to the U.S. to get graduate degrees. So of course I help in any way I can!

I really enjoyed it over there and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, it was amazing. The food was very different however, I remember even getting oatmeal was hard! Even things like hamburger, you can’t just go out and buy it. And if you did find it, it would be expensive. I tried many different foods, although my wife didn’t particularly care for them, which is okay [haha].
I did learn how to order what I wanted at restaurants though, like Niu rou Mien!